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06/17/20 09:41 AM #8513    


Marvin Theobald

Suggestion for today's theme is REFLECTIONS.


During a visit to the Duomo in Florence, Italy in 2011 it had rained as we arrived. Water puddles formed on the cobblestone street surrounding the Duomo as can be seen in the first photo. I started noticing reflections in the water puddles and took the other pictures of the Duomo in the water reflections.

This was a store front window in Dallas, TX that was pretty fun.

06/17/20 10:32 AM #8514    

Julie Hart

i've been catching up on all the messages over the past two months.  have really enjoyed getting a glimpse of everyone's lives.  i may get around to posting pics of the few topics i can remember smiley.

some ideas - your favorite coffee/tea mug, what's hanging on your front door,  a pic of your favorite thing hanging on your wall, what you'd grab to save in case of a fire (a beloved item - not the obvious ones like documents and picture albums.)

mandalay, myanmar.  not raining - just a very shiny floor.  jan. 2020


shan, myanmar, jan 2020

06/17/20 11:36 AM #8515    


Melvin (Mel) Theobald

06/17/20 11:38 AM #8516    


Terry (Max) Maxwell

This is about the only reflection pics that I have.

06/17/20 01:26 PM #8517    


Wendy Stephens (Cullen)

What a good idea, and I admit it has never occurred to me to look for a reflection in a puddle!  This photo was taken in Paris at one of the Ladureé shops.  They came up with the macaron cookie that seems to everywhere now.  The reflection is near the Place Vendome.

06/17/20 03:18 PM #8518    

David Brock

Thought for the day--Hope works in these ways:  it looks for the good in people instead of harping on the worst, it discovers what can be done instead of grumbling about what cannot; it regards problems, ;large or small, as opportunities; it pushes ahead when it would be easy to quit; it 'lights the candle' instead of  'cursng the darkness'.   Ancient Proverb

06/17/20 03:51 PM #8519    


Melvin (Mel) Theobald

It is a thrill to see several new voices this week. Would love to see more.

Dave B., very nice proverb. Thanks for sharing.


On REFLECTIONS: For many years I've been photographing water reflections, but there are so many other surfaces, especially in architectural glass and metals that transform what we see into something surreal. These are a few of them.

The Edith Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe in Plano, Illinois.

Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor in Chicago before the seams were polished out.

Cloud Gate, popularly know as The Bean, seen at night.

300 S. Riverside Plaza, which was built over train tracks at Union Station in Chicago.


06/18/20 09:22 AM #8520    


David Long

Late to the party, but here are a couple of reflections.

Wet sand and NO footprints

Boulders in the Sea

Daughters at Sunset

06/18/20 09:37 AM #8521    


David Long

Looking across the Ohio River from Wheeling, WV to Belaire, OH

06/18/20 09:48 AM #8522    


James (Jim) Rookus

Appreciate seeing all the recent photos .... Mel as af past Chicagoan really like all the pic of the reflection in the downtown area...  Max always love Chihuly pics and Dave really like that first pic with 2 gals on beach an especially beautiful background ,  I couldn't find any on my phone with reflections and thought I could make one for you but that would have been a selfie in a mirror ... would not. Compare to the beauty of all your pics,

06/18/20 02:15 PM #8523    


Marvin Theobald

It seems the reflection theme is continuing today so I will take the liberty of adding a few more. The effects of reflections are really interesting at times and can add so much more to the character in a picture. 

I too liked Dave's ladies on the beach photos. The lack of footprints makes it almost look as if they are walking on water. Must be related to Dave winksmiley.  Mel's "Chicago Bean" is a favorite of mine. When I visit Mel and take a bike ride I often go to "the bean". It is sooo amazing to experience the variations of reflections it can provide.

Julie - Great to see you join in with photos. I am sure with all of the traveling you have done you could contribute some terrific shots. I enjoyed the pics from Myanmar (previously Burma). That is where the Karen people in my previous post fled from during civil unrest in Myanmar in the 1980's. You had some great new suggestions for the photo themes. How about you pick some days and assign themes for the rest of us to apply our imaginations and see what pops up?

Fall scene in New Hampshire in 2004.

Glass mosaic at Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago in 2007. The conservatory featured the works of a French artist Niki de Saint Phalle. His mosaics were fascinating.

Detail of one of Phalle's mosaics in the garden at the conservatory.

Hoover Dam reflection off of the Visitors Center in 2007.

Reflection in Lake Mead from Hoover Dam in 2007.

Reflection of leafless trees on an icy lake at Heritage Lake near Mackinaw, IL in 2012.

Waterfalls at a Wells Fargo Bank in downtown Dallas, TX in 2012.



06/18/20 02:35 PM #8524    


Marvin Theobald

Jim - I love the way you think out of the box. A selfie in the mirror would just make you look twice as good. Imagine what Mel and I have to deal with when we are together. It's as if your alter ego is with you.

I had one more sort of reflection photo to share. Believe it or not it is possible for raw steel to float. This paper clip is literally floating on water. It is held up by surface tension. It is interesting to see the curvature of the water or meniscus around the wire. Try it. It is relatively easy to do. Use tweezers to hold the paper clip and gently set it on the water. A steady hand helps which can be a challenge for old people like us but you can do it. It will impress your grand-kids.

06/18/20 03:26 PM #8525    


Sandra Jeakins (Singletary Sizemore)

Marvin, that Wells Fargo Bank water fall was beautiful!   And I enjoyed the New Hampshire Fall picture.  That would be on my bucket list to tour the Eastern States in the Fall. 

When Jim and I went to Texas with my Son and his 2 girls we went thru Dallas, but all I remember of Dallas was all the traffic.  They were doing a lot of road construction and the traffic was really backed up.  We had been in San Antonio so Dallas wasn't our destination.  

Jim and I were at the Hoover Dam but I don't think I have any pictures like that.  We were also at Lake Mead.  We went there for the afternoon, after we were married in the morning.   We fed the fish.   Romantic, NOT.  But is was fun.laugh

06/18/20 03:43 PM #8526    


Jack Keefe

The whole point of this photo was the little bright spot below the soon-to-be setting sun. It's the sun's reflection on distant Lake Erie from the tower at Niagara Falls (Canadian side). It marked the first night of a great vacation through Ontario. 




06/18/20 04:25 PM #8527    


Wendy Stephens (Cullen)

I liked Terry's Chihuly reflection and I have that shot also, but I decided to look through my Chihuly photos and so...see if you can see the Space Needle reflected on the orbs.

06/18/20 04:34 PM #8528    


James (Jim) Rookus

Wendy ... cool Chihuly ... love it ... Yep found the needle in the glass!

06/18/20 05:59 PM #8529    

Julie Hart



a couple more reflections


chengdu china

somewhere way west in china

06/18/20 06:13 PM #8530    

Julie Hart

statues.  i really love my withers library statue pic.  have it as one of my wallpapers on everything.  i think maybe marv sent it to me.



ghengis khan - 131 feet tall

have no idea how to turn this.  ulan bator, mongolia

06/18/20 06:16 PM #8531    

Julie Hart

sunset - on way to antarctica

reflection - baja 

06/18/20 06:29 PM #8532    


Wendy Stephens (Cullen)

Wonderful pictures Julie.  My husband had several trips to Mongolia but I haven't been there.  I do have a CD of so,e music.  I remembered two more reflection pictures I took in Japan in December.


06/18/20 09:03 PM #8533    


Marvin Theobald

Julie and all - I do not know why some photos post sideways but I try to check them regularly and get them rotated. It took some experimentation but I found a way to fix them using MS Paint that comes with MS Office. If you have this problem, be patient and I will gladly rotate them for you once I see the need.

Suzi - If I can be of help posting the picture of Dave's Uncle please let me know.

Julie and Wendy your pictures are gorgeous. It makes me want to pack a bag and hit the road. The Space Needle reflection is pretty cool Wendy.

Larry - It would be great to see some interior detail pictures of you organ if you have any. You mentioned that someone you know built the console. It appears to me that the cabinet and bench are custom made. I am curious if you or he fabricated the keyboard or if it was salvaged. Pretty amazing none the less.

Tomorrow is FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY. Surprise us with something special.

06/18/20 11:39 PM #8534    


Jack Keefe

Reflections: Wichita, Kansas and the Arkansas (pronounced ar-KAN-sas) River. This town loked even better in my rear view mirror, sorry to say. 



06/19/20 10:19 AM #8535    


Sandra Jeakins (Singletary Sizemore)

    Since we have been talking about pianos this week, I thought I'd share pictures of my 1st and 2nd pianos. This is my 1st one.  My parents wanted to be sure I could learn to play before they bought me a newer one.  The picture says Dec 1959, but I think the pictures of the 1st and 2nd piano must have been taken in 1959.  I probably had this one for a couple of years before we got the 2nd one.    This is my 2nd piano.  Like I said, probably bought in 1959.  We bought it from Shirley Stumm's family.  She was in the class of 1963.   When we moved to Canada, Miller Music told us the piano was too old to make the move. So we bought a new one, which I've posted a picture of a couple of times.  We sold this piano to friends who had kids that grew up with my kids and when one of their boys became a minister, it was moved around quite a bit.  When he got a church in Clinton, he asked if we wanted the piano back.  David, my youngest Son, said he wanted it.  So,now the piano has a permanent home at his house and probably won't be moved again. Both pianos have real ivory keys.

06/19/20 10:40 AM #8536    

David Brock

Just a couple of p

ics for today.  The first is a bit of a novelty, but it is a real sign--somebody must have had too much time on his hands.

The next photo is a sunset/reflection from Marathon, Fl.

We are leaving town for a few days, but plan to back  shortly.

06/19/20 11:09 AM #8537    


James (Jim) Rookus

Free for all... Celebrate with me... yesterday I completed a 36 session cardiac rehab (which was much delayed due to Covid-19).  I lost # and increased my MET LEVEL (heart rate work out pace) by 192%.  At end of session we are awarded a certificate and heart of GOLD T-shirt and get to sign and bang the hanging cymbal or what ever it is called.  As you see by the photos... I was a bad boy afterwards by celebrating with my long awaited blueberry pancakes at Cracker Barrel !!! Yummie!!!  I rationalized it was ok since I've been cooped up eating healthy for 4 months!!!  As leaving noticed on their candy shelve the Katherine Beecher pillows.... look the same as the former Bloomington Katherine Beich ones I remember from fund raising days and saw mentioned on the forum a few weeks back.  Wonder if it is a spin off company... sure look the same. On label they are produced in Penn.



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