45th Reunion 2009


Miltary veterans anb their significant others: Ed Buis, Mike (Jim) Fry, Jim Pierce,John Brown, Marvin Theobald, Chuck Yurieci, Dwight King, Ken McBeath, Jim Altemus, Clayton James, Jim Hastings, John Zweng (Pam Hohnstreiter Zweng at his rt), Dennis Alexander, Lamont Woodworth


Sue Petersen Koppenhoefer, Helen Nicolaysen Thompson, Gloria Starkey Haines,and Sharon Green Leipold


Kay and Mike (Jim) Fry


Flowers donated by Mary Giermann Brucker with five homecoming style mum corsages given as door prizes.


George and Judy Tynan Danielson and Mark and Karen Blandford Kuhn


 Kathy and Ken McBeath with Tom Chambers


Gwen and Clayton James


Patti Miller Popejoy


Coleen Gowl, Ron Bess, Pat Hocenic Lehr, Diane Gardner 


 Marvin Theobald (Reunion MC)


Judy and Jerry Dehart


Pat Hocenic Lehr and Mel Theobald (Recovering Raiderholic)



What Really Happened 




These ladies received free dinners to make Steve Jetton think he held a position of prominence at their grade school.


As part of Great Decisions 2009, Terrie Troxel and John (David) Rush debate the effect of Derivatives on our economic collapse.


Jim Hastings explains to Ken Lehr and Faith Crissey Campbell why he moved to the middle of nowhere.


They were promised breakfast.


Mimicking high school, the more popular attendees were seated first and then able to pick seating partners.  Standing, are those not yet chosen, but hoping to get their seating assignments soon.


Deemed neither popular nor unpopular, Jack Habich and Jack Keefe were offered standing-room-only at the bar.


The crowd applauds the news that the few left standing would get limo transport to Steak 'n Shake.  To do anything less would have been rude.



Like Fabian, these former Luv-a-Bulls and Honey Bears still find work in the smaller markets.  Cheri credits the man upstairs.


Holy Trinity


When negotiations with Celine Dion broke down, we were fortunate to get Carla Smith.


Ann Bailen visits different zip code to tell Jack Habich his sport coat looks cheap.


Just back from their trip to Japan, these people couldn't stop taking pictures.


Reunion attendees were routinely sworn in.


Oops, wrong reunion.......just seeing if you're paying attention.


Prior to the Assembly, teachers in attendence asked hall monitors Jim Hastings and Jack Habich (standing way back by the bar) to insure that no one left their seat without permission.


Unreasonable expression of interaction during breaks was punishable by detention.


Ernie and Cheryl tip-toe in so as not to disrupt Reunion speeches.


These two were just told that they were once cheerleaders in HS and would get to go up front and wear yellow hats.


Mary Giermann Brucker with her (former) Prince or..... The Wrestler Formerly Known as "The Flea".


Ron Bess explains to Diane Gardner why Reunion Program is not a professional publication.


Desperate for a photo opportunity at Cheeks, Jack Habich is rudely ignored by Susan Ford Chambers and Necia Hart Chessman.


Easy pickings for Reverend John Brown, as he walks into a room full of sinners.


Pinky Tuscadero gone blond so as not to be recognized at Cheeks.


Guns and civility were checked at the front door.



Schoolteachers Judy Winquist Neal and Judy Walker threaten dress code violation report.


Yes, I was one of the cheerleaders at BHS.


As margins in the restaurant industry declined, Jim Pierce took to floral design.  Here he proudly shows his first work.


Overcome by the camaraderie at breakfast, Jack Keefe offers to buy a pot of coffee for the entire room.


45th Class Reunion Summary


The 45th BHS Class of 64 Reunion was a huge success. Attendance was 116 including 6 of our teachers (Dwight Baker, Justine Detweiler Trout, David Edmunds, Joe Morin, Mary Selk, Carla Smith) and 72 classmates. Following a social hour, Marvin Theobald welcomed the class and guests. A special thanks was extended to Chuck Yurieci for making it possible to have the reunion at Lakeside CC. Greeting cards were circulated for signatures and comments to send to each of the 13 teachers that were not able to attend, letting them know we were thinking of them. The teachers were introduced and welcomed. First time reunion attendees, never missed a reunion attendees, and Planning Committee participants were invited to stand. We also wished Faith Crissey Campbell a happy birthday (Sorry Faith, this was not just your b'day party). Classmate and Pastor John Brown delivered a very nice invocation and dinner was served.

After dinner and a few brief announcements, Carla Smith made a few comments on behalf of the teachers and expressed how much she learned from us as her first class when she started teaching in our Sophomore year. A very special memorial was on display honoring our lost classmates and teachers. We remembered the 48 known classmates we have lost and how they are in our hearts and our memories. Clayton James invited the military veterans present to come to the front and be honored as a medley of armed forces songs was played. It was a very moving experience for all. We know of 59 classmates that were in the military.

A drawing was done to give away homecoming style mum corsages provided by Mary Giermann Brucker and gift certificates provided by Marvin Theobald. Jack Keefe presented a very convincing argument that resulted in a claim that we are the "BHS Centennial Graduating Class" which drew a round of applause. The program was concluded with a very fun series of comments by Pat Hocenic Lehr and Mel Theobald. Pat read a special poem she wrote for the class and Mel then shared his story as a recovering "Raiderholic". The cause of the "Raiderholic" addiction was the result of the amazing winning records of all of the athletic and academic competitions our Sr class achieved in 1963 and 1964. One omission that was pointed out by Terry (Max) Maxwell was that the track team was the first from BHS to win the Big 12. Hopefully this new awareness will not set Mel back in his recovery process.

Bloice Bess was honored as a mentor and role model for our class. Mr Bess passed away in August of 2007 and will be missed. A resounding and heart felt standing ovation from all present resulted from the comments recognizing Mr Bess and thanking Ron and his brother Bob for sharing their dad with our class. Six of our cheerleaders were escorted up front to lead us in a couple of cheers and in singing the BHS Fight Song. It was great fun.